Archive for the ‘UNCC News’ Category

UNCC Students 2010

Wednesday, July 21st, 2010

Here are some recent pictures of a few UNCC percussion students. What a happy crew they are.

Chris Bryan

Tom Reaves

Katelyn Reinhardt

Drew Courtney

Nick Nichols

Kyle Steinmetz

Trevor Cook-Yikes!

UNCC concert video

Tuesday, February 23rd, 2010

Here is a video of a concert I played on 2/2/10 with my wife Jennifer. It’s with the UNCC Symphonic Wind Ensemble and the piece is Dance of the Southern Lights by Eric Richards. This is a very large file so please give it time to load.
Southern Lights

Harold Danko, Rich Perry and Clay Jenkins at UNCC 2008

Monday, December 28th, 2009

I recently found these pictures of a concert I played with Harold Danko, Rich Perry, Clay Jenkins and Tom Hildreth at UNCC.

Harold Danko Clay, Rich Perry Tom Hildreth and Rick play the concert

Harold Danko Clay, Rich Perry Tom Hildreth and Rick play the concert

Rich Perry and Rick

Rich Perry and Rick

Harold Danko and Rick Post Concert at Robinson Hall, UNC Charlotte

Harold Danko and Rick Post Concert at Robinson Hall, UNC Charlotte

Harold Danko, Clay,Tom Hildreth, Rich Perry and Rick

Harold Danko, Clay,Tom Hildreth, Rich Perry and Rick

UNCC Percussion Ensemble Performances

Friday, November 20th, 2009

The UNCC percussion Ensemble has been on a roll lately. We have performed concerts for the Charlotte Chamber music series, the Levine Museum of the New South and several school concerts including Charlotte Country day as well as South Mecklenburg High School. We will be performing or last concert of this semester on November 30th at 8pm In Robinson Hall on the campus of UNCC.
Here are pictures from the Charlotte Chamber Series Concert.

UNCC Perc ens . at Charlotte Chamber series

The UNCC Percussion Ensemble at Charlotte Chamber First Tuesday Concert Series

From Left to Right: Katelyn Reinhart, Chris Bryan, Tom Reaves, Nick Nicholes, Drew Cortney, Trevor Cook, Meredith Butterworth, Kyle Steinmetz

From Left to Right: Katelyn Reinhart, Chris Bryan, Tom Reaves, Nick Nicholes, Drew Cortney, Trevor Cook, Meredith Butterworth, Kyle Steinmetz

And an after concert party-Thanks Elaine!

And an after concert party-Thanks Elaine!