Books and Compositions
Students' Corner
Audio Examples
Recommended Microphones and Preamps
About Rick Dior
Tips and Musings
Influential Recordings

Contact Information

Charlotte Symphony Orchestra -- This is the web site for the Charlotte Symphony. I have served as a section percussionist in this orchestra for 12 years and served as principal for one. I also play timpani with the orchestra from time to time.

Charlotte Philharmonic -- I play principal percussion and timpani with this orchestra.

Drummers' World -- this is the site for Drummers World in New York City. I met Barry Greenspon (the owner) when I was in junior high school and we have been friends ever since. Simply the best drum/percussion store in existence.

Jim Brock -- My buddy Jim Brock's page. Jim has recorded with tons of great artists and his site has some great percussion tips.

University of North Carolina at Charlotte -- I am percussion instructor and head of percussion ensembles at this college. It is a fast growing program with an emphasis on music education although we do have several very good performance majors. A brand new state of the art music building is slated to open in November of 2003.

Mike Balter Mallets -- This is the website for Mike Balter mallets (which I endorse).

Vic Firth Company -- this is the Vic Firth company site. Lots of usefull educational material lives here.


Acoustic Barn Website | Rick's Percussion Site
Lessons | Gallery | Books and Compositions | Students' Corner | Audio Examples | Equipment
Recommended Mic's and Preamps | About Rick | Survival Guide | Influential Recordings | Links

© 2002-2005. Rick Dior and Acoustic Barn Productions. All rights reserved.
No portion of this website may be duplicated without express written permission.